
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Happily Ever After

I once believed in Fairy Tales, and wished upon a star that my “Prince” or “Knight in Shining Armor” would come and take me to live in a castle and live happily ever after. I found my prince, who gave me a shinny ring, who wanted to have more kids, who wanted to buy me a house, who wanted to grow old with me…not too bad you might say, right?!
Well, the thing with Fairy Tales is that when the story ends you never get to see what happens after the beautiful song has ended...
Mine has, 5 kids. The older 2 from his previous marriage (23 and 21), then you have the 3 that I gave birth to who are 7yr, 5yr, and baby monster who will be 2. In that same package deal I have in laws, 2 dogs, a mortgage, car payments, college funds, bills, full time job and no time to even go potty BY MYSELF…
Don’t get me wrong, I do love my life and everyone in it…but c’mon, Really…REALLY!?!?!?!

soooo…this is how I see “Happily ever”

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