
Thursday, September 27, 2012

I'm a sucker for short hair

Ever since I can remember I have always had a Yoyo (long/short) type of behavior with my hair. I think it all started in 3rd grade which is when I had my first short haircut. I remember wearing short hair in middle school but I don't remember ever cutting my hair in High School. In the 90's I decided I wanted the short style that Cheryl “Salt” James from the group Sallt n Pepa had. Why on earth did I ever think that was cool? OH I know, because back then I was "Stupid Fresh"! A few years later (after growing my hair out) I decided I wanted the pixie haircut that's better known as Halle Berry's signature haircut.

Let me tell you I've lived the same nightmare over and over and I just don't learn my lesson. I'll go and have a short style done just to want it long again in a few months or better yet have it nice, healthy and long only to go have it chopped off. Who really understands women?!

Now, I've been sporting the Asymmetrical Bob or better known as the Victoria Beckham hair style...and after a few years wearing it guess what...I want my hair long again. So, now that I have decided to go long all I have left to do is to go through the ugly and agonizing period of growing it out. I personally hate this period. This is when your hair is too short to do anything to disguise the ugly phase but it's too long to look decently styled.

There must be another way and of course much faster to grow out your hair. I've done the cutting your ends every so often but that only gets me in trouble. Once at the salon I end up sporting a short cut. I could always go and purchase extensions...anything that would help me get throw this phase yet once again!

With that being said, I already have my eyes/mind set on my new look three styles I will be having as I grow my bob. Now all I need is enough patience to go through the headache of waiting for it to grow.

These are my next 3 looks. I'm completely in love with the color more than anything, but color would be a completely different type of nightmare. One I'm sure I will go through as I find the right colorist that can achieve this color.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Happily Ever After

I once believed in Fairy Tales, and wished upon a star that my “Prince” or “Knight in Shining Armor” would come and take me to live in a castle and live happily ever after. I found my prince, who gave me a shinny ring, who wanted to have more kids, who wanted to buy me a house, who wanted to grow old with me…not too bad you might say, right?!
Well, the thing with Fairy Tales is that when the story ends you never get to see what happens after the beautiful song has ended...
Mine has, 5 kids. The older 2 from his previous marriage (23 and 21), then you have the 3 that I gave birth to who are 7yr, 5yr, and baby monster who will be 2. In that same package deal I have in laws, 2 dogs, a mortgage, car payments, college funds, bills, full time job and no time to even go potty BY MYSELF…
Don’t get me wrong, I do love my life and everyone in it…but c’mon, Really…REALLY!?!?!?!

soooo…this is how I see “Happily ever”

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Punishment or plain laziness?

I guess my first blog posting would be a venting one!

So Mr. CG (Computer Geek) helps me out a lot since I'm never home early enough to do the running around needed for Dance Class, Jazz Class, Baseball...etc! So, yesterday I asked him to go and run to the Dance Shop to purchase S's dance attire. He agrees and takes S. (whos' 6) and her brother H. (who's 5). I guess they started acting up bad enough that he then decides to storm out of the store and tell the kids that as a punishment she's going to dance in regular clothes and to my son that he's not watching TV for a week...really? REALLY?

I try my hardest to support HIS parenting skills (since he has more experience than I do with him having two older kids) and for the most part I back I said most times. With that being said, I was not able to do the same today! If the kids are acting up, why could he have not sat them down in a corner, put them inside the shopping cart or taken them to a more private area so he can let them know that's the final warning then make his purchase and once done at the store THEN punish them at home?

See, we are not home when the children get back from school (remember my in laws live with me). So I know for a fact that the first thing my kids will be doing after school is watching TV. My in laws are already in their late 60's early 70's and who wants to deal with 2 bored kids at that age? Sure, they can do homework, read a book, go outside and plenty of more things...but am I going to ask my in laws to get out of their routine because Mr. CG decided that he was going to punish them? Which leads me to the my next issue...

Was he mad  and frustrated at the kids or did he just not want to go throught the troubble of buy the "girly" things that he needed to buy. Was he mad or was he just being lazy?

Today, I gave him my opinion and thoughts and he said he didn't care that she was going to dance with shorts and sneakers...well she won't be able to do much dressed like that and are we not paying $$$ for her classes for her not to dance! Was there no other punishment?

Needless to say that while I'm typing this he just called and said that I made him feel bad and he's going on his lunch hour to buy her stuff...yay!!!

Made my point...